Saturday, February 19, 2011

AJOA: Days 18 and 19

Day 18: A time when you felt passionate and alive

I once watched a sunrise from the top of a mountain on a cloudy November day. Everyone in the city below was waking up to a gray sky, but where I was, the sky was clear. Denver returned to another dull, noisy, mindless day, but I sat in silence, breathing clean air, awestruck with the beauty of, well, everything. I've never felt so utterly elevated from the realm of human concern, and yet so small, so quiet.

Day 19: A talent of yours

Well, gee, I'm such a talented person! Where could I possibly start?

I'm kidding. Just so you know.

My biggest talent is probably... my ability to be completely awkward even around people I should be totally comfortable with. I don't know if it's in my genes or if it's something I picked up during the course of my life, but either way, it's something I'm particularly good at. I've always considered myself to be a shy person, but sometimes I feel like "shy" is just a nice word for "socially inept."

Yay me.

1 comment:

  1. I love that picture! I totally agree.. there is something about being the mountains that just touches the soul. So many good memories.. whenever I feel like I just need to unwind... I want to go to the mountains. Clean mountain air.. nothing like it. :)
