Thursday, February 17, 2011

AJOA: Days 16 and 17

So I fell behind. Whatever. I'm making up for it.

Day 16: A song that makes you cry

I've yet to find a song that can consistently make me cry. Still, sometimes something will catch me in the right (or wrong?) mood and I'll shed a few tears. Although I've never been a fan of pop songs with overly-sentimental lyrics, there are some absolutely heart-wrenching pieces of classical music that I can name. Samuel Barber's Adagio for Strings, for instance. There was a slow movement of a concerto attributed to J.C. Bach that I performed in which, in certain passages, you could imagine the cello actually weeping in your hands.

I guess if I could name a piece of music that I find both profoundly sad and profoundly beautiful, it would be Eric Whitacre's A Boy and a Girl. The composer described himself as "devastated" the first time he read the text and decided to set it-- and that's the way I felt the first time I heard this. If you have a minute, turn up the volume and just listen to the music.

Day 17: An art piece

This one confuses me slightly. An art piece? Like, something I made?

Well, okay then. Actually, I have something better. I drew this lovely picture with 2 Sarahs. It's awesome.

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