Friday, February 11, 2011


Several months ago I wrote a poem called "I Am Home (Where)", which I set to music and uploaded to YouTube. Since then, I've been meaning to write more songs, but haven't gotten around to it until now.


Verse 1:

Breathless with emptiness catching the light
The longer I stand here, the less comes to mind
And it's not what you think
I'm not being naive,
But as free as I am,
I'm alone.

Verse 2:

Reaching for something that has to be there
Each breath a fervent wish, each word a prayer
And it's not what you think
No, I'm not being weak:
This world may be mine,
But it's not home


And I'd go a long way to find
What I hope could someday be mine
It's time to admit I've been waiting for
What I've been created for
Is there nothing more
Than me?

Verse 3:

One day I'll find it, oh one day I'll know
The last missing fragmented piece of my soul
That one final piece
Will make me complete
Yes, I'll understand
When I'm whole.


Alternate Chorus:

And I'd go a long way to find
What I know somehow is mine
It's time to admit I've been waiting for
What I've been created for
'Cause there's so much more
to see.

I don't pretend to be particularly good at songwriting, but I'm pretty happy with how this turned out, especially considering the amount of time I spent on it (not that much). This one is much more of a song (instead of a poem-set-to-music) than the last one. Parts of the music had been floating around in my head for a few weeks, but I finally wrote some lyrics and put it all together yesterday.

Some explanations as to why it doesn't sound better than it does:

First of all, I'm recovering from a cold and not singing very well. Second, the accompaniment track is really choppy because I had to record it in pieces and then stick them together in Garageband. Thirdly, the various noise-making objects and animals in my house don't have much respect for recording sessions. And finally, this was all recorded using built-in computer microphones, which is why the quality is so bad.

 But enough excuses!

If you happen to be someone who is good at songwriting, or you know stuff about recording, any comments or constructive criticism you may have would be GREATLY appreciated. Actually, any feedback at all would be great.

Finally, I'll love you forever if you subscribe to my YouTube Channel.

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